Whatsapp has enabled Picture in Picture (PIP) mode for YouTube & Instagram videos, So you don’t need any floating video player apps from now. This feature is only available for beta users and will be publicly available once they release a stable version of it.

We have tried playing YouTube videos on WhatsApp, and here is what it will look like when you click on any YouTube video link on your WhatsApp. To close the floating video, just swipe it on the right, and the video will be closed automatically.

WhatsApp PIP Mode Video Play in Chat

PIP mode allows the user to watch videos without closing chat in WhatsApp. Previously, when users click on any video links they receive, they will be redirected to either YouTube if it is a YouTube video link. But from now on, when the user taps on a video, the floating video player will pop up on the top, and the user can easily control it.

If you are a beta tester of WhatsApp, you may update your WhatsApp Android app to see this feature enabled on your smartphone. Make sure you clear the cache on your smartphone to see this feature working properly.

This feature was already introduced to iOS devices in January this year & expected to be introduced for Android users soon.

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Bhavesh Sondagar
Bhavesh Sondagar is editor in chief and webmaster of Theandroidportal Blog. You may reach him out @bksondagar on social media.