Want to know what the  Samsung Galaxy S6 Active battery replacement costs? If yes, your search ends here on the right webpage. Samsung finally revealed how much it costs to swap the battery on new Samsung S6 Active phones. As you know, Samsung S6 is the first flagship smartphone that comes with a sealed-in battery, and it is almost impossible to change its battery. 

As the Samsung S6 Active battery is irremovable, that’s why Samsung offers a year warranty on the battery life. If the battery health is below 80% of its initial level during the buying year, Samsung S6 Active battery replacement costs are free. 

But if your phone is out of warranty, then Samsung S6 Active battery replacement costs is about $45 + shipping. You can check your Samsung Galaxy S6 Active battery health with an app like the MyDroid system. 

So, if you are a Samsung S6 Active user and curious to know the battery replacement cost, you come here to the right page. Today, in this guide, we will tell you the actual battery replacement cost or how to maintain the device’s battery health. So, let’s proceed with the main content in the sections below.

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Samsung S6 Active Battery Replacement Cost

As we discussed above, Samsung S6’s active battery replacement cost is about $45. Well, it depends on the methods you select.

Go-Ahead To The Samsung Authorized Service Center

Samsung Authorized Service Center

If you are looking for a top-notch solution for all mobile problems, Samsung Authorized Service Center is the best solution to fix battery and other phone-related issues. But it is not the only solution available in the market; it has many alternatives too.

The only benefit of giving your phone to the Samsung authorized service centre is that they use 100% genuine parts. It takes around 2-3 business days to fix battery problems from the authorized service centre near your location.

Give Your Phone To The Local Repair Shop Near You

Bring Your Phone To The Local Repair Shop Near You

If you don’t have much budget to spend on battery replacement, search for the best mobile repair shop near you and give your phone to them. They take minimal charges and fix your phone as soon as possible.

But they cannot provide any warranty on the repair or new parts as the products they use are first copies but not original. Also, they are not as professional as Samsung Authorized Service Center professionals.

Do It Yourself

Do It Yourself

If the Samsung S6 Active battery is removable, replacing the old battery with the new one is a matter of seconds. But now, the scenario is the change; you still change or replace the battery by DIY, but it takes a lot of time. You need to buy a battery and battery replacement kit from trusted online stores and try DIY by watching YouTube videos. 

Or you can take all the stuff to the local repair shop and get it replaced at cheap rates. It is the only inexpensive way to fix the battery replacement issue. Of course, this step voids the phone warranty, and you require a lot of patience to fix it. Here are some Samsung Galaxy S6 Active battery and battery replacement kits.

Get The Battery Replacement Service At Your Doorstep

If you don’t have a high budget and are looking for an excellent and trouble-free way to replace the battery, enjoy the battery replacement service at your doorstep. There are many genuine mobile repair companies in the market that offer mobile repair services at your doorstep.

It is one of the excellent ways to repair your phone’s battery because their experienced and trained employees use original parts and give you a warranty on replaced and repaired parts. 

Tips To Maintain The Battery Health Of Samsung S6 Active

Avoid Fast Charging

Avoid Fast Charging

Charging your phone in the fast charging mode puts extra stress on the battery. Avoid using fast charging unless you don’t need it. Slower charging maintains the battery life of your phone. Also, you put your phone on slow charging overnight. Charging your phone from a computer or other smart plugs may void the battery’s health or slow its charging rate.

Avoid Draining Your Phone Battery Up to 0% 

Older phone batteries are different, while newer phone batteries work differently. It not only stresses the battery to drain it entirely but also reduces the battery’s health slowly. Your phone will be the happiest gadget if you charge it above 20% capacity and below 90%.

Also, if your phone battery has 50% capacity, it will be the happiest gadget. Short charges or charging your phone once a day up to 100% is ok but charging your phone frequently after 2-3 hours will decrease the battery lifespan of your device.

Turn Off The Screen Brightness

A Smartphone screen uses a lot of your phone’s battery; that’s why enabling screen brightness will save energy. Using the Auto-Brightness feature may save a lot of battery, but the best way to save battery is by adjusting it manually.

Reduce Screen Timeout

If you leave your phone screen on, it will automatically turn off after a certain period. It probably takes one or two minutes. It is the best way to save battery and increase its lifespan.

Choose A Dark Theme

Dark theme is too much in trend and is an excellent way to save energy. The best part is that the dark theme uses no energy and darker colors use less energy than the bright colors.

Wrap Up

So, here is the guide for the Samsung S6 Active battery replacement cost. We hope now to understand how to maintain the battery health of the phone. There are other ways to increase the battery lifespan, like uninstalling the app that uses a high battery, turning on energy-saving mode, managing radios, etc.

That’s all for now, and thanks for giving me your time. We hope you enjoy reading this post. To read more new posts, do follow us and stay in touch for the latest updates. 

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Ravi Kumar
Ravi is currently associated with TheAndroidPortal. He really likes to test out android gadgets, devices, smartphones and give unbiased opinions. Finding the affordable, and best value option in today's market is what he get up every day for.