Want to delete Twitter tweets quickly? Here’s the guide to removing all the history of your tweets on Twitter at once in the easiest way possible.

If you have been using a Twitter account for a long time, then it’s high time to delete old Twitter tweets for some reason. If you don’t have any idea about how to delete old Twitter tweets, then don’t worry, you are not alone, The Android Portal Team is here to help you.

Twitter is one of the oldest and most popular apps for sharing your tweets and news feeds with others. Whether you are a teen, politician or business person, everyone uses Twitter to share content and news with each other.

Twitter is like a news feed app that tells you about what’s happening in the world around you. You can get all the latest and current news on your Twitter account. You can also create a group with the people you follow. Moreover, you can also share photos, videos, and other content with your Twitter account.

But sometimes there are thousands of tweets available in our account. From old to latest tweets, all are stored in your account. So, if you want to start the fresh tweet profile again, then it’s a great time to delete expired tweets from your account.

There are no appropriate options available on Twitter to delete the old tweets. But there are a few fantastic Twitter-related apps available on the Google Play store to help you out in that matter. So, let’s put the ball in the box and start exploring the apps in the sections below.

An Ultimate Guide To Delete Twitter Tweets Quickly

Delete Twitter Tweets By Tweet Deleter

Delete Twitter Tweets By Tweet Deleter

Tweet Deleter is one of the best apps for deleting all your tweets in just a few taps. It removes all the old tweets from your Twitter app and eliminates all the replies, likes, and retweets quickly.

Moreover, you can unblock the blocked users with the Tweet Deleter app. Here are the steps to follow.

Step 1: Download and Install the “Tweet Deleter App” from the Google Play Store.

Step 2:Login” to your account and accept all the terms and conditions.

Step 3: Now here you need to choose the tweets from your account, which you want to delete.

Step 4: After that, you need to click on Delete Tweets from the top right corner of the screen.

Delete Twitter History By Tweet Eraser

It is one of the free and best online tools to delete Twitter tweets. It offers you a free access feature that helps you to delete Twitter history in just a minute. It also comes with great features like search filters, Multiple Twitter accounts, and deleted tweets. With the multiple Twitter account feature, you can manage two or more accounts simultaneously on a simple tool. Let’s take a look at how to delete the Twitter history.

Step 1: On the Google Chrome type, “Twittereraser.com.”

Step 2: Then, from the home page, “Sign In” to your account.

Step 3: On the new window, click on the “Authorize” app.

Step 4: Then, from the dashboard, select the tweets that you want to delete from your account.

Step 5: After that, tap on “Delete Tweets,” and you are done.

Wrap Up

So, those are the two best tools to delete Twitter tweets. We hope now you can remove all the old tweets and start fresh.

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Ravi Kumar
Ravi is currently associated with TheAndroidPortal. He really likes to test out android gadgets, devices, smartphones and give unbiased opinions. Finding the affordable, and best value option in today's market is what he get up every day for.