Best Learning App For Kids Education

Looking for the best learning app for your Android smartphone, then don’t worry. Here, below we have mentioned the top free Learning apps for Android that you can download and install from the Google Play Store for free without paying anything. All the below-mentioned apps come equipped with an easy-to-use user interface so that everyone can use these apps easily.

Best Learning App For Kids Education

On the Google Play Store, you can find plenty of learning apps from various categories, but choosing the best app from the Play Store is not too easy. That’s the reason that we have created this list for our readers and mentioned the free top Learning apps for Kids that you can download for your kids so they can learn new and interesting things without wasting paper or pens.

Nowadays, there are many online learning apps and websites available on the internet that allow you to learn everything from your home. However, some apps or websites offer paid subscriptions so that everyone cannot afford them. But today, we have some free apps that allow you to learn more and more on your Android smartphone.

There are many advantages and disadvantages of these apps. But today we are talking about the advantage of these apps, which Is, that you can learn new and interesting on your Android smartphone. These apps are free of cost and compatible with every Android device like smartphones, tablets, etc. So, let’s take a look at these top free Learning apps for Android:

Best Learning App For Kids Education

Duolingo: Learn Languages Free

Duolingo is a free and best learning app on our list and supports multiple languages like Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Polish, Esperanto, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Welsh, Hebrew, Irish, and English.

Duolingo is a free language learning app for Android and comes with multiple features that help you to learn any language with ease. With this app, you can practice your speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills while playing the game.

Duolingo Learn Languages Free

On this app, you can find multiple lessons, and every lesson is 100% free, the meaning of this Is you don’t have to pay anything to learn the language in this app.

By using this app on your Android smartphone, you’ll also improve your vocabulary and grammar skills by giving answers to questions or by completing lessons. To learn more, start with basic verbs, phrases, and sentences in any language, and learn new words daily.

Duolingo: Language Lessons
Duolingo: Language Lessons
Developer: Duolingo
Price: Free

Pocket Code: Learn programming your game apps

If your kid is curious about the internet, programming, or games, and you are looking for the best learning app for your kid, then this learning app is free and allows you to program your own game and enables you to play and share your games.

By using this app on your Android smartphone, you can also create your own animations, interactive art, music videos, and much more, and by using this app, you can also share them with your friends and family members.

Pocket Code Learn programming your own game apps
The Pocket Code app is based on the Catrobat program, which is a visual programming language and a set of creativity tools that can be used for smartphones tablets, or mobile browsers.

By using this app on your Android smartphone, you can create, edit, execute, and remix, and you can also share them with your friends and others. You can download and install this app from the Google Play Store on your Android smartphone. And start creating new and interesting programs, games, animations, interactive art, and music videos on your smartphone.

Pocket Code: Learn programming
Pocket Code: Learn programming
Developer: Catrobat
Price: Free

Khan Academy

On our list of top learning apps for Android smartphones, the Khan Academy is in the third position, and it is a highly rated free learning app for all.

You can download and install this app on your Android smartphone for free without paying anything. The Khan Academy app allows you to learn almost everything for free. In this time, the Khan Academy offers over 10,000 videos and explanations in major subjects like math, science, economics, history, and much more.

Khan Academy

At this Khan Academy, you will learn by using videos, interactive exercises, and in-depth articles in math, science, economics, and more. With this app, you can master your skills using practice questions. On this app, you can also download videos for offline learning.

Khan Academy
Khan Academy
Developer: Khan Academy
Price: Free

Coursera: Online courses

Coursera is a free online learning app for Android that you can download and install from the Google Play Store. Coursera allows you to learn multiple highly advanced courses for free, the meaning of this Is you don’t have to pay anything to learn via this app.

But after learning, if you wish to get a course specialization certificate then you have to pay the fee for the course. Otherwise, you can continue learning without any problem.

Coursera Online courses
Coursera also allows you to advance your career or continue your education in multiple subjects like Computer Science (Programming, Mobile, and Web Development), Data Science (Machine Learning, Statistics, Probability, and Data), Business (Accounting, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship), Sciences (Robotics, Chemistry, Nutrition, and Medicine), Art (Design, Photography, Music, and Creative Writing), etc. You can browse over 1000+ courses in a variety of subjects from Math, Science, Music, Medicine, etc.

Coursera: Learn career skills
Coursera: Learn career skills

Lumosity – Brain Training

The Lumosity – Brain Training is a free brain training program-based Android app that offers plenty of brain training programs and over 30+ brain games.

The Lumosity – Brain Training app is available in English, German, Japanese, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Korean and is used by over 85 million people worldwide. On this app, English is the default language, but you can also change the language of your device according to your needs.

Lumosity - Brain Training
In this app, you will find plenty of high-quality games and brain training programs that you can use to train your habits and preferences. You can download and install this app from the Google Play Store for free on your Android smartphone.

Lumosity: Brain Training
Lumosity: Brain Training

Here in this article, we have discussed some of the best apps for kids to learn and gain knowledge. Share your thoughts in the comments, how do you explain or educate your child? Using some apps or manually?

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Lucky Sharma
Lucky is Senior Editor at TheAndroidPortal & an expert in mobile technology with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from MIT and a Master's degree in Mobile Application Development from Stanford University.