As we know for all Android users, the Google Play Store allows users to download free and paid Android apps. Because the Play Store contains all the required apps for Android devices. It also has lots of clock widget apps to download. The clock app looks very attractive on your device. So, here we are also going to discuss an app called Digital Clock Widget App. So, take a look at the discussion and set the clock widget on the home screen of the device.
See also: Best Alarm Apps for Android
Digital Clock Widget App
The Digital Clock Widget app is an Android clock app. For all the android users, it is freely available at the Google Play Store. The compatibility of this app is very good with all Android-based devices.
The app provides a digital time and date widget on the home screen of your Android device. It feels like you have an iPhone because the widgets are like the unlock screen of the iPhone.

The Digital Clock Widget comes with a customization facility. With this kind of facility, you can easily customize your device’s home screen. It also supports multiple languages, by which you can set up the language of widgets as you want. You can set up the clock widget along with the RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) color picker.
It will allow you to set the color for the time and date with your favorite color. With the help of this app, you can also choose your special theme for the background of the widgets. The review ratings of users for this app are around 4.2 out of 5.0.
By using this Android app, you can also customize the AM and PM. It means you can choose the options of Show and Hide. By using the set clock widget, you can directly reach the Alarm Calendar or Widget setting page. But, for this type of shortcut, you have to change the settings, by going to the settings of this app.
It also permits you to change the background colors. You can also use the 12-hour clock and 24-hour clock. The app also allows you to change the date settings. You can set the date format as per your wish. So, keep customizing your Android-based smart device by using this Digital Clock Widget App. Check out this awesome digital clock widget app online from the Play Store below.