Want to speed up your Samsung smartphone? Clearing RAM may improve your device’s performance. If there is a 90% or more usage level of RAM on any device, may cause your device perform poorly, and that affects its performance. You will need to review RAM usage on clear memory (RAM) if needed. RAM is a short form of Random Access Memory that is responsible for the device’s performance on smartphones, tablets, or computer devices.

Clearing RAM will end running apps and stop background apps on your device. So before you clear the memory of your smartphone, you need to make sure you have saved data in your running apps. Clearing RAM will close all apps on your device.

If you think your device is freezing or performing slowly, clearing RAM will help it to perform better than before.

How to Clear Ram in Samsung Smartphones

How to clear the memory of Samsung Smartphones

  1. Press & hold the Home key.
  2. Select the Task Manager option (Find it at the bottom left side)
  3. Tap on Task Manager
  4. From the RAM tab, Tap on Clear Memory.
clear memory
Clear RAM on Samsung

Once you do this, you will find RAM status will show RAM usage lower than before. This option is available on almost all Samsung smartphones. If you are using any other smartphones, you can also use some external apps like Advanced Task Killers or Cleanmaster to clear the memory of your smartphone.

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Bhavesh Sondagar
Bhavesh Sondagar is editor in chief and webmaster of Theandroidportal Blog. You may reach him out @bksondagar on social media.