The latest flagship by Samsung, the Galaxy S10, is a remarkable piece of technology and we wouldn’t be surprised if you end up loving your S10. Samsung is the kind of company that always makes sure that it sends out a high-quality product. This is why we doubt that any of our users will face any problems with their Samsung Galaxy S10.

Regardless, there is a very rare occurrence of the issue we are about to discuss today, but it needs to be out there for anyone who needs our help. Let’s discuss how you can diagnose and fix the Samsung Galaxy S10 No Power Issue.

Almost every issue that occurs in a smartphone can be categorized into two main classes: software and hardware. If it is faulty hardware, then you might not be able to do much and you will have to consult a smartphone repairer. If, on the other hand, it is a software issue, you can diagnose and possibly even fix it yourself.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple and easy way for an average consumer to find out if the issue is caused by a glitch in the software or a faulty hardware component. To fix the Samsung Galaxy S10 No power issue, you will have to think a bit out of the box.

Since the software fixes are so easy to execute, you can perform them on your device and rule them out one by one. If your Galaxy S10 is fixed, that’s great! If it’s not fixed and all possibilities are ruled out, then it might be time for you to hand over your phone to an expert repairer.

Possible Reasons for the No Power Issue

To be able to fix the Samsung Galaxy S10 no power issue, you should first know the most probable reasons that caused it.

Perhaps the first thing you should know is the difference between the no power issue and the “won’t turn on” issue. In the no power issue, the mobile is completely dead and doesn’t respond to anything the user does. The “won’t-turn-on” issue is where the smartphone is trying to boot up normally but it crashes before Android fully loads.

In this article, we will primarily focus on the no-power issue caused by your Samsung Galaxy S10. The main reasons causing this problem are listed below:

  1. The battery is not charged
  2. Another battery-related problem
  3. Hardware failure caused by an accidental drop
  4. Power management has died down
  5. The power button is not sending the signal

Now, it is clear that the possible reasons listed above are not very hopeful. However, we would still assure you that there still is hope and you should try to fix the Samsung Galaxy S10 no power issue by yourself. If nothing in this article works for you, you can always consult a professional repairer.

Check Charging and Battery Issues

One of the most common reasons behind the no-power issue can be battery and charging-related malfunctions. Also, these issues are the easiest to fix for a normal user with no technical knowledge.

The processes in this section will be simple and easy diagnostic steps that you can take to pinpoint the root cause of the problem.

Charge With another Charger

It could be that the charger you normally use has somehow malfunctioned and doesn’t charge your battery anymore. Since your battery is continuously draining, there comes a point where the battery completely drains out and the smartphone stops reacting to almost every possible action that a user can perform.

The first thing you can do to diagnose the problem is to use another charger of the same power rating to charge your Samsung Galaxy S10.

If the usual charger has died, the new charger should bring your device back to life and it should show that the battery is charging. If this doesn’t change anything, try changing the data cable that you use to bridge your device with the charger. The charging cables that accompany the chargers aren’t too reliable and could be the root of this issue.

Check the Charging Port

Sometimes, the battery is unable to charge because dirt, lint, or other tiny objects get stuck in the charging port of the device and prevent the cable’s exposed points from connecting with the charging port properly.

In this case, a little searching and tugging would get the job done. Use a magnifying tool if possible and use a tweezer to pull the dirt out of the charging port.

Be extra careful when pulling out the dirt with the tweezer because the metal could scrap the conductive points in the charging port and render it useless.

Perform a Forced Restart

Almost any Samsung device can be rolled back to the latest working state by performing a forced reboot. all of the Samsung devices are programmed to roll back to the last working state when a forced reboot is performed on them.

A viable option for you would be to execute a forced reboot on your device. Follow the steps below to perform a forced reboot on your Samsung Galaxy S10:

  1. Make sure that the device is off
  2. Press the volume down key and hold it there.
  3. Press and hold the power button. Keep pressing both of the buttons for at least 10 seconds for the device to detect a forced reboot command.
  4. Wait for a few seconds for the device to execute the command and try to boot up

If the forced reboot fixed the problem, the device should lighten up. This would mean that your smartphone is trying to boot up normally.

If this doesn’t happen, then it might be a hardware failure preventing your device from receiving power from the battery. The best option now would be to consult a professional smartphone repairer.

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Ravi Kumar
Ravi is currently associated with TheAndroidPortal. He really likes to test out android gadgets, devices, smartphones and give unbiased opinions. Finding the affordable, and best value option in today's market is what he get up every day for.